In the space of the last six weeks London has played host to two conferences aiming to stir up debate about the future of politics. First, on 8 February, there was Change: How?, an event organised by the thinktank Compass that brought together around 100 speakers to speak about social change 100 days before the general election. Then, on 14–15 March, we had FutureFest, an ideas festival organised by the social innovation charity Nesta, which invited speakers and artists to address six themes of the future.
Both events came with wristbands, colourful pamphlets, and simultaneous sessions buzzing across multiple stages. Both were housed in quirky, repurposed venues – Islington Metal Works, formerly a horses’ stables (in the case of Change: How?), and Vinopolis in London Bridge (for FutureFest). And both revealed something about the state of the British Left today.